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nosvinot iestāšanos citātu komūnā [Mar. 18th, 2009|11:11 pm]
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my favourites:

mirklī, kad ļautiņiem būtu siena gubā jākniebjas, viņi sāk kaismīgi diskutēt (lielākoties par valsts nākotni) "Sonja: Judgment of any system, or a priori relationship or phenomenon exists in an irrational, or metaphysical, or at least epistemological contradiction to an abstract empirical concept such as being, or to be, or to occur in the thing itself, or of the thing itself.
Boris: Yes, I've said that many times. "


"Russian gentleman: So who is to say what is moral?
Sonja: Morality is subjective.
Russian gentleman: Subjectivity is objective.
Sonja: Moral notions imply attributes to substances which exist only in relational duality.
Russian gentleman: Not as an essential extension of ontological existence.
Sonja: Can we not talk about sex so much? "
linkpost comment

Date:March 18th, 2009 - 11:37 pm
hh, reminds me of my youth
[User Picture]
Date:March 19th, 2009 - 01:21 am