kanariņš - January 14th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 14th, 2015

[Jan. 14th, 2015|08:55 am]
Justifying lethal violence in the name of self-defense is reserved for those who have a publicly recognized self to defend.
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[Jan. 14th, 2015|09:54 am]
Epistemological Gaps between the Former Soviet East and the “Democratic” West
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[Jan. 14th, 2015|06:59 pm]
Kops ilga partraukuma E ir pieteicies nodarboties ar arpusstundu aktivitatem - dejosanu. Tapec pirmaja bridi nepiefikseju, ka tie isti nav deju soli, ko vins man sajusma demonstre. Tie ir marsi un miera stajas, ko "mums macija karaviri anglu valodas stundas vieta". 1.klase.
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