Mitch Planko: This is a calendar. It has a schedule of everything you need to do of everyday. It is at least 15 hours in a day. This is a grocery store. People buy food here. If you are unsure, call your wife. Always make sure you call your wife first.
Mitch Planko: I know. You once took your vibrator into the bathtub. You then got electrocuted while using it and now you have a bald spot on your vagina.
Jamie Lockwood: [slaps Dave] How dare you tell him!
Mitch Planko: Growing up we both had dreams. Dave wanted to be an astronaut, I wanted to sell dolphins on the black market. But found thats hard to do. We live in Atlanta... dolphins are hard to find...
Ja jau bija vietas, kur pasmējos, tad skatīties var. Bez tam very nice looking 13th no House MD. Sižets varbūt nav nekas jauns, bet vienmēr paliks interesants. Jo velns viņu zin kā tas būtu change up with someome.
What the fuck you were thinking?