cocking about
other fuckers
Pats Saimnieks
Invictus - 7. Janvāris 2017
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans
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07 Janvāris 2017 @ 11:08
Brokastīs ''The Godfather'' ar salātu piešprici un sarkanu uzlecošu sauli.
Jā, ta beidzot es to daru - tiekos ar Krusttēvu.
and love it.
What the fuck you were thinking?
07 Janvāris 2017 @ 15:53
pēc sajūtas -25c
Burrito mode [ietinies segā līdz ausīm] un The Godfather maratons.
The Godfather part II
What the fuck you were thinking?
07 Janvāris 2017 @ 18:58
Pilnmēness nedēļa my ass. Knapi uzbriedis, bet jau laupa miegu .
What the fuck you were thinking?
07 Janvāris 2017 @ 21:59
cold Sibiria
Pastāvēju ārā vienas cigaretes garumā. Almost lost my nose.
What the fuck you were thinking?
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