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Oct. 12th, 2005 | 10:08 pm
sis dienas top definicija:
the difference in the national interest rates for securities of similar risk and maturity should be equal to, but opposite in sign to, the forward rate discounts or premium for the foreign currency, except for transaction costs
un jaa. katram chapterim pa vidu man paskrien 101 dzives aina un pardoma. taa, piemeram, pec sis definicijas man naca atklasme - visi precas un bernojas. soreiz gan ar tadu atvieglojumu un mazu karjerisku atvieglojumu...
Chapter 5
laikam par maz dzerts
from: ld
date: Oct. 12th, 2005 - 11:28 pm
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Re: laikam par maz dzerts
from: hege
date: Oct. 12th, 2005 - 11:30 pm
par laimi sarisinajos uzdevumus un vieglak ir lasit.. citadi - nezinu, vai saprastu..
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