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Oct. 8th, 2016 10:14 am zviedru vasaras paradīze Gotlande

" The back-up officers, who have been sent from Stockholm, are to work to prevent violence or threats from escalating, strengthen safety-building measures and assist in other criminal investigations on the island.

"It is to make sure that we can handle our fundamental mission as police on Gotland and to enable us to act on the incidents of the past few days," said Torbjörn Nilsson, the head of Gotland police, in a statement.

He also told Hela Gotland: "We simply do not accept that people take the law into their own hands as many have expressed that one should do".

"We are restrictive when it comes to specifying ethnicity, description or other information such as age, appearance and addresses. We do specify that in some cases if it is important to move the investigation forward and we need the help of the public. Otherwise not," wrote the police on their Facebook page."

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