11 December 2008 @ 06:14 am
very soon out of order  
pirms pāris stundām rakstītais bišķiņ melnāks nekā patiesībā. izņemot to gulēšanas daļu.
miegs ir vnk briesmīgs. pēc stundām četrām būs apaļas 24h kopš neesmu aizvērusi acis.
ja nebūtu šovakar valodu kursi- vnk ielīstu gultā un gulētu līdz rītam.
un kabinetā ir auksti. neviens tā arī nav atstiepis sildītāju.
tik ļoti gaidu atvaļinājumu.
11 December 2008 @ 07:25 am
hehe. garfīlds palīdz. as always.  
11 December 2008 @ 07:34 am
11 December 2008 @ 10:30 am
All is white
I think it snowed
In the night
Everything is cold
So cold outside

I listen to the wind
All alone
I know it means
A storm will come

I want to live
In paradise
I want to live in the south
I want to live
In paradise
At the south of the earth tonight

All is white
I know it snowed
In the night
Everything is cold
So cold outside

I try to calm
It's a lonely trip
Listen to my eyes
Listen to my lips

I want to live
In paradise
I want to live in the south
I want to live
In paradise
At the south of the earth tonight

I want to live
In paradise
I want to live in the south
I want to live
In paradise

At the south of the earth tonight
At the south of the earth tonight

I want to live in paradise
I want to live in paradise