Goba ([info]gobish) wrote on December 11th, 2008 at 10:30 am
All is white
I think it snowed
In the night
Everything is cold
So cold outside

I listen to the wind
All alone
I know it means
A storm will come

I want to live
In paradise
I want to live in the south
I want to live
In paradise
At the south of the earth tonight

All is white
I know it snowed
In the night
Everything is cold
So cold outside

I try to calm
It's a lonely trip
Listen to my eyes
Listen to my lips

I want to live
In paradise
I want to live in the south
I want to live
In paradise
At the south of the earth tonight

I want to live
In paradise
I want to live in the south
I want to live
In paradise

At the south of the earth tonight
At the south of the earth tonight

I want to live in paradise
I want to live in paradise
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