tacet's Journal

Recent Entries

You are viewing 25 entries, 25 into the past.

1st July 2015

9:06pm: inluv
this is so cool
... tālāk ... )

26th June 2015

7:53am: round and round it goes, where does it stop nobody knows

18th June 2015

2:47pm: negribas.
sajūta, ka viss tiek pazaudēts un lēnam un noteikti aiziet aizvien lielākā un lielākā nebūtībā, pat kad cenšos, lai tā nenotiktu.
es kaut kā tā māku visu sačakarēt.
might as well.

6th June 2015

9:47am: alternative cultures illustrated
kaut kur manos vecajos ierakstos ir arī pāris ranti par šo pašu, bet slinkums meklēt.
... tālāk ... )

27th May 2015

10:26pm: vertical farming on paper
@[info]mindbound shit.
vismaz ar pašreizējām led growing light tehnoloģijām sanāk ap 600-2400 w/m^2 un vienam cilvēkam vajag ap 50 m^2 audzēšanas platību all year round. ar 12/12h ciklu tie ir vismaz 360 kwh diennaktī.
tie gan tādi aprēķini uz salvetes, jo precīzus datus izrādās ir ļoti grūti atrast - tas ir tāpat kā 100w rated saules panelis, tos 100w saražo 3x gaišakā vietā par ekvatoru. visur visādi paslēpti ieberzieni, lai pārdotu, kas traucē iegūt aprēķiniem derīgus datus.
avoti un notes:
http://web.mit.edu/sydneydo/Public/Mars%20One%20Feasibility%20Analysis%20IAC14.pdf (daļa aprēķinu jau tur ir izdarīta, un vispār interesants lasāmgabals)
http://www.heliospectra.com/ (grow light dati)
http://www.lighting.philips.com/pwc_li/main/shared/assets/downloads/pdf/horticulture/leaflets/overview_growing_your_profits-hid-en.pdf (light requirements data)

10th May 2015

7:25pm: sometimes life is like endurance race. you clench your teeth and try not to bail out.

5th May 2015

11:12am: laiks drusku pamācīties. https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning
man gan ir aizdomas, ka kaut kur pa ceļam man naksies pamācīties arī matemātiku.

23rd April 2015

8:15pm: There is a story of a king in ancient India. He had a palace, concubines, gold, silver, jewels, silks, and all the nice things that kings have. He also had a brahmin guru, who was extremely ascetic. All that this brahmin owned was a clay bowl, which he used as a begging bowl.

One day, the king and his guru were sitting under a tree in the garden when the servants came running up and cried, "Oh Maharaja, Your Majesty, come quickly, the whole palace is in flames! Please come quickly!"

The king replied, "Don't bother me now - I'm studying the Dharma with my guru. You go and deal with the fire."

But the guru jumped up and cried, "What do you mean? I left my bowl in the palace!"
7:30pm: if anything is sacred now
if anythin's worth saving now.

22nd April 2015

4:49pm: cry my name

21st April 2015

3:39pm: not running away is not consenting

uziets Elisas Lam blogā

31st March 2015

10:58am: He tries to please them all –
This bitter man he is.

Throughout his life the same –
He's battled constantly.
This fight he cannot win –
A tired man they see no longer cares.

24th March 2015

3:53pm: wiii, wiii, wiii, wii, wii
toties dabūju pa kaklu par olbaltumvielām :D
8:10am: kad beidzas antidepresanti, sapņi kļūst ļoti, ļoti dīvaini.
un pat tas, ka sapnī varēju iegrābties diezgan foršā dibenā nemainīja visa dīvainumu.

1st March 2015

11:50am: vibrācijas, ko mēs esam evolucionējuši uztvert ar ausīm.
skaņa ir pieskāriens, glāsts, pļauka.

25th February 2015

6:57pm: nezāles neiznīkst
visādi ir gājis, bet no manis vaļā netiksiet

23rd August 2013

1:16pm: i fucked up.

1st November 2012

9:50pm: It was autumn, the springtime of death. Rain spattered the rotting leaves, and a wild wind wailed. Death was singing in the shower. Death was happy to be alive.

Tom Robbins

12th August 2012

6:33am: fitness
Basically, geeks did what they do best. They accumulated fitness knowledge and spread it as if it were a funny cat picture.
Richard Talens, fitocracy līdz-radītājs

5th June 2012


3rd June 2012

3:50pm: rīga
ir interese par palikšanu rīgā no 24. pēcpusdienas līdz 25. rītam.
nekādas gultas/matrači/segas nav nepieciešami.

ja nu kādam ir 2mx1m pleķītis uz grīdas, dodiet ziņu :)

31st May 2012

9:16pm: šodien es saņēmu pašu dīvaināko komplimentu - veikala pārdevēja paziņoja, ka man esot forša balss.
diezgan pamatīgi apmulsu.

23rd May 2012

10:05pm: And thus there was a bubble of serenity and bliss, hidden away from the cloud of noise and chaos around them.
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