running to stand still

August 7th, 2014

04:03 pm - jautājumu un atbilžu laiks

vārdsakot, es arvien retāk parādos birojā, jo ir tāds periods, kurā daudz vieglāk un labāk ir strādāt savā nodabā citur. mājās strādāt reizēm ir grūti, pie vecākiem strādāt arī grūti, varētu iet uz bibliotēku, bet tur nevar ēst un dzert, un šeit nu ir jautājums: kur lai iet strādāt brīžos, kad gribas strādāt, ēst un dzert? es parasti eju uz innocent cafe, jo tas ir ap stūri, bet man bail, ka tas mani drīz izputinās, miit tas pats, mana mīļākā kafejnīca rīgā, Kafka, izskatās, ir ciet, un es vairs nezinu, kur lai liekas, :(. padomiņi, kur var iet un savā nodabā sēdēt ar laptopu, dabūt ēdieniņus un labu kafiju, un neizputināties? 

04:56 pm - wiki(how)

Although structured as a love song, "Dance Me to the End Of Love" was in fact inspired by the Holocaust. In an interview, Cohen said of the song:

'Dance Me to the End Of Love' ... it's curious how songs begin because the origin of the song, every song, has a kind of grain or seed that somebody hands you or the world hands you and that's why the process is so mysterious about writing a song. But that came from just hearing or reading or knowing that in the death camps, beside the crematoria, in certain of the death camps, a string quartet was pressed into performance while this horror was going on, those were the people whose fate was this horror also. And they would be playing classical music while their fellow prisoners were being killed and burnt. So, that music, "Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin," meaning the beauty there of being the consummation of life, the end of this existence and of the passionate element in that consummation. But, it is the same language that we use for surrender to the beloved, so that the song — it's not important that anybody knows the genesis of it, because if the language comes from that passionate resource, it will be able to embrace all passionate activity.
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