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[28. Okt 2008|13:26]
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Interesants New Scientist raksts par spoku u.tml. lietu redzēšanu.

EMFs emitted by power lines and towers, clock radios and other electrical sources may help debunk myths that people or things are haunted, says Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, who has conducted research on the topic. One such study, published in 2001 in Perceptual And Motor Skills chronicles the experiences of a teenager who in 1996 claimed to be receiving nocturnal visits—one sexual—from the Holy Spirit. The 17-year-old girl, who had sustained mild brain damage at birth, said she also felt the presence of an invisible baby perched on her left shoulder.

When Persinger and his colleagues investigated (at the behest of the girl's mother), they found an electric clock next to the bed that was about 10 inches (25.4 centimeters) from where she placed her head when she slept. Tests showed that the clock generated electromagnetic pulses with waveforms similar to those found to trigger epileptic seizures in rats and humans. When the clock was removed, the visions stopped. Persinger determined that the clock, in combination with the girl's brain injury, were highly likely to have been contributing factors to the perceived nocturnal visits.

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Date:28. Oktobris 2008 - 13:32
:) būs jāiegādājas modinātājs
Date:28. Oktobris 2008 - 15:00
un seno laiku pils akmeņi arī tip izstrādājot ML, kā dēļ vairums "Spoku" ir redzēti tieši tur :)
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Date:28. Oktobris 2008 - 17:42
es ar šo (EM lauki) ideju spēlējos jau kādu laiku, taču tā arī neesmu saņēmies uztaisīt "devaisu" eksperimentēšanai.