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* [6. Dec 2007|16:17]
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"March 26, 2006

Rev. Mary Magdalen (Rachel Bevilacqua) of the Church of the SubGenius, a postmodern or parody religion, lost custody of her child in February of 2006, seemingly due to her involvment with the church. Church members are touting the judge's response to her involvment with the church together with his decision as religious discrimination, and the ACLU is examining the situation.

Judge James Punch (Orleans county, NY) allegedly denied custody of the child her son out of anger, after seeing videos of Rev. Magdalen in a bondage "dress" and papier maché goat’s head [1] at the church's X-Day celebration and performance art piece. Judge Punch repeatedly asked, “Why a goat? What’s so significant about a goat’s head?” When Rev. Magdalen replied, “I just thought the word ‘goat’ was funny,” the court then pressed her to explain how her actions were funny, finally concluding with the statement "Obviously there's nothing funny in those pictures". [2]

According to Rev. Magdalen, the judge reportedly lost his temper and shouted at her, calling her a “pervert,” “mentally ill,” “lying,” and a participant in “sex orgies” [3]. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online.

Judge Punch ordered that Rev. Magdalen is to have absolutely no further contact with her son, not even in writing, after February 3, 2006. On March 9th, the judge issued a verbal order stating that Rev. Magdalen was to cease all communication on the Internet regarding her son [4], threby preventing her from posting transcripts of the actual court proceedings (however, a transcript of her own testimony was made available on March 26th)."

(Pārējais teksts iekš Wikinews.)

Kaffija: "Amerikāņi ir psihopāti un nemaz nav labāki par sudāniešiem."

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Date:6. Decembris 2007 - 18:53
Subģēnija baznīca, tāpat, kā diskordiāņi, jau sen ir pelnījusi savas lož... tfu, atzarus arī mūsu Tēvzemē, šaubu nav. Kas attiecas uz tiesnesi, viņu vajadzētu iznēsāt cauri pilsētai senas, darvu un spalvas ietverošas, tradīcijas ietvaros. Because this is also quite funny, and he is a bloody moron, excuse my foul tongue, dear sirs and fair ladies.

No, really, what is so terrible in all of this, I have no slightest understanding.