Nov. 8th, 2021 | 01:08 pm
From:: bauda
O, rādās, ka Putina un Lukašenko uzkrītošais whataboutisms pēdējā gada intervijās amerikāņu žurnālistiem sāk nest augļus. Gnidrologs approves

Slinkums meklēt jūtūbus:
"The list of your political opponents who are dead, in prison, or jailed is long," Scott told Putin, alluding to critics like Boris Nemtsov, shot dead a stone's throw from the Kremlin in 2015, and Anna Politkovskaya, a journalist murdered in 2006, as well as numerous activists currently languishing in Russian jails.
"So, my question is, Mr. President: What are you so afraid of?" she said.
Putin sidestepped the question, and after a follow-up from Scott he launched into a tirade about the January 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. He said participants face jail time on "unclear grounds", overlooking the alleged involvement of several dozen people with ties to far-right groups and the reams of evidence made public about their actions.
x Putin's Performance At Geneva Summit Seen As A Master Class In 'Whataboutism'
He acknowledged that a prison in Minsk’s main detention center was “not a resort” as he had referred to it earlier in his address, but he denied allegations of torture, resorting instead to whataboutism.
“Why have you killed a girl in Congress?” he asked a journalist from CNN, referring to the death of Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot by a police officer as she and other rioters raided the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. After that, Mr. Lukashenko said, “a question about repressions against civil society from my part just can’t be compared to the situation in your country.”
x Belarus Leader Lashes Out at the West, a Year After Crushing Protests

Slinkums meklēt jūtūbus:
"The list of your political opponents who are dead, in prison, or jailed is long," Scott told Putin, alluding to critics like Boris Nemtsov, shot dead a stone's throw from the Kremlin in 2015, and Anna Politkovskaya, a journalist murdered in 2006, as well as numerous activists currently languishing in Russian jails.
"So, my question is, Mr. President: What are you so afraid of?" she said.
Putin sidestepped the question, and after a follow-up from Scott he launched into a tirade about the January 6 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. He said participants face jail time on "unclear grounds", overlooking the alleged involvement of several dozen people with ties to far-right groups and the reams of evidence made public about their actions.
x Putin's Performance At Geneva Summit Seen As A Master Class In 'Whataboutism'
He acknowledged that a prison in Minsk’s main detention center was “not a resort” as he had referred to it earlier in his address, but he denied allegations of torture, resorting instead to whataboutism.
“Why have you killed a girl in Congress?” he asked a journalist from CNN, referring to the death of Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot by a police officer as she and other rioters raided the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. After that, Mr. Lukashenko said, “a question about repressions against civil society from my part just can’t be compared to the situation in your country.”
x Belarus Leader Lashes Out at the West, a Year After Crushing Protests