/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa - Los Fastidios
October 16th, 2006
04:04 pm


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Los Fastidios
Hi Promoters, Clubs & Squats crews,
here's Enrico from Italy (LOS FASTIDIOS singer).
We are starting to plan the 2007 LOS FASTIDIOS TOUR, so please if you are
interested in a date of the tour reply soon to this message so we can talk
about the show details.

Thanx a lot and all my best.

ENRICO los fastidios


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Date:October 16th, 2006 - 10:47 pm
kur tu shito dabuuji?uz meilu?der padomaat;)
[User Picture]
Date:October 17th, 2006 - 02:03 pm
jap, mails...
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