mans sviests
mans sviests
mans sviests - 30. Jūlijs 2006
30. Jūlijs 2006
- 30.7.06 10:27
- Sāpes plecu-jostas apvidū
2 piezīmesvieta jūsu piezīmēm
- 30.7.06 13:14
- Sometimes, especially when I am feeling vulnerable or unmoored, I find myself testing the difference for myself. Lying in bed in the dark, I will think - or mouth - some primary word like "river" or "tree". I will focus ond sound-shape to see if I can get some purchase on the thing it names. It hardly ever works. There is some very subtle but undeniable distance here. But when I then say the Latvian words - upe and koks - I am fully connected, embedded, even though they are words I may not have spoken out loud for years. In spite of this, I inhibit the world, even in my thoughts, as an English speaker.
Sven Birkerts, My Blue Sky Trades.
6 piezīmesvieta jūsu piezīmēm
- 30.7.06 18:20
- Nevaru saprast, vai šovakar noskatīties:
# Days Of Being Wild (1992)
# Pītera Grīneveja īsfilmas (A Walk Through H, H is For House, Windows, Intervals, Dear Phone un Water Wrackets)
# Derrida (2002)
# 81/2
# 81/2 Women (1999)
vai arī
# Viskonti Nāvi Venēcijā
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