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Posted by [info]alcoholic on 2011.03.01 at 22:34
Lyrics to It's A Rainbow by Op8:

Did you see it?
For a second anyway it was real
And there it was, who can say
You didn't do enough to help it, didn't need you

If it found you
Would you see it anyway
Looking forwards, feeling backwards
Please remind me everybody feels the same

Blame me
Blame me
There's always me to blame
Blame me, blame me

Did you hear it?
Did you hear me through the glass
It got ugly with that voice around me
Pushing hard and taking over

Feel the bottle in his stomach
Alcoholic, alcoholic
That's a word they
Like to call it

Blame me
Blame me
There's always me to blame
Blame me

Did you see it?
It was a rainbow
And all the colors are the same
And it's illusive 'til you see it

Blame me
Blame me
There's always me to blame
Blame me, blame me

Feel the bottle in my stomach
Alcoholic, alcoholic
That's a word my
Friends call it

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