- 4/15/11 02:53 pm
Man vairāk patīk estētiskais biksīšu izpildījums, par praktisko (valkāšana un novilkšana) pielietojumu es pat neaizdomājos.
Humans and lions live on Earth at the same time today. But we live in different places. Porpoises will ram sharks that come into their waters. So naturally then they also live in different places - while living at the same time. Why couldn't humans and dinosaurs have lived at the same time? They'd probably keep mostly separate and then get buried separately if there was a catastrophe, but this could be theoretically possible, correct? There are at least two places known today with human and dinosaur tracks in the same sedimentary layer: one is in Paluxy, Texas, the other in Eastern Turkmenistan. Plus we have the legends, from all inhabited continents mind you, which should not be automatically discounted.
Tur jau tā problēma, ka viņi tur ir safiškojuši tādus vājprātus kā "christian science" un "Creationism, un visām varītēm cenšas apstrīdēt evolūcijas teorijas, karbona vecuma noteikšanas metodes. Cenšas stāstīt, ka zinātnieki vispār ir sazvērējušies pret dievu, utt utml.