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04:06 pm



Joks tā kā
After months and months of training, three CIA recruits are ready for their final test before becoming a field agent. The two men and one woman are brought into a hallway with three rooms in it. The instructor looks at them with great gravitas and says, "Behind each of these doors are your respective spouses". Handing each one of them a pistol, he says, "go kill them."

The first guy chambers a round in his gun, steels himself with a look of determination, and steps in the room. The instructors hear crying, and a minute later the man walks out and drops the weapon, saying "I couldn't do it, I love her." He is informed that he isn't cut out for life in the CIA, and to please go home.

The second man enters the room, no shots ring out, and comes back out, with much the same result. He too surrenders his gun and heads for the exit.

The third recruit, a woman by the name of Joanna, grabs the gun, racks the action back and heads into the room where her husband awaits. The instructors hear repeated gun shots (16 in the clip, 1 chambered round). The gun, now empty, clatters to the floor and they hear screams and the sounds of a struggle drifting through the door. Finally with a large crash and a scream, the struggle is over.

The sweaty recruit emerges, handing the gun over. She has an annoyed look on her face.

"What was that all about guys?" she says, "The gun you gave me me was loaded with blanks, so I had to use the chair to kill him."
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