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Mana Ala -

Sep. 5th, 2005 10:50 am

I am 79% Evil Genius.
Evil to the Bone!
I am pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will.

2 piebildes - ir ko piebilst


Date:December 29th, 2005 - 05:03 pm


I am 52% Evil Genius.
Deceitful & Crazy!
Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.
Date:January 26th, 2006 - 09:48 am
I am 14% Idiot.
Friggin Genius
I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.