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Best fishes, in loff, thank and boy boy @ 22:06


būtībā jau tur nav nekā nepareiza, jo visu var saprast. tad jau arī auld lang syne ir pērle, rubīns vai grants. Vēlākpriekam uzmetīšu nelielu favorītlisti:
I dont finksow; kwik deshisions; pickause; kwecshen; In our country survives only the strongest like in savanna; … without you country will become empty, old and sad; I am not lazy I just rest before I get tired; If I won studing in high school, I mast pain(šitais ir mēmi interpretējams); To get in hairy school you need to show your knowledges(šis arī); I very like read box(^^); I'm learning in pavar class; Studies are light, unstudies are darkness(!!!!); Your friends are smelling about you; Yours f(r)ightfully :)
Best fishes,witches.

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