zdv's Journal


1st November 2006

10:47pm: tomēr daļa no mums mainās . . . bet vai tomēr?
Viens vēl it kā mīl un otram viss vienalga ... vienaldzīga puse šoreiz esmu es. Laiks tiešām dziedē visu, precīzāk, cita cilvēka mīlestība pret Tevi laikā dziedē visu.
Remembering you is like a damn blade in belly.
Damn why you write me such emails?
Every time I cry.
I won't hide that from you.
Do not stop writing me.
Do not do it.
Damn you, damn me.
Do not know what to say.
But you do what you always wanted to do...now
I am so happy for that.
So happy.
That I do not feel the blade if I have that feeling.
2 months before
I watched your window
One bottle Degvins.
A cheap one.
Vemt in your park.


.... I could not hurt you more.
I could not bring my damn life in your world.
Would be the same like vomiting in park.
Take care and make good movies.
Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: Be Open by Starseeds
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