Sound issues . . .
Es absolūti neesmu tehnisks cilvēks, bet Grahama Edmondsona (Dolby Laboratories Inc.) prezentācija 3h ierāva mani skaņu pasaulē. Noskatoties, piemēram, Smirnoff reklāmu kinoteātriem, kurā nav bildes, bet tikai skaņa; Star Wars skaņu režisora remixu pirmajai Star Wars filmai Dolby Digital Surround EX vidē, THX Lucasfilms skaņu testus . . . viss ir ok, tagad es zinu, ka ja mani traucē skaņa kinoteātrī es varu pieiet pie skaņu vīra un teikt: “Uzliec sound processor uz 7.” :) Un tad es pajautāju . . . tas viss ir ok, bet kā ar filmas saturu, tev nešķiet, ka 95% filmu ir mēsli, ko ražo šajās “super” skaņu sistēmās? Graham pamāja ar galvu un teica, ka tas jau ir up to you to put through great ideas and soul . . . :
Saistībā ar to un Matrix, Kill Bill etc. . . . ‘Joke’ of the day: “53 years later, on August 6th 1995, there was a gathering in the chapel of my university to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the detonation of the first atomic bomb, over the city of Hiroshima, Japan. I was there. One of the speakers was the physicist Leo Seren. He had participated in the successful experiment under the lifeless sports facility so long ago. Get this: He apologized for having done that! Somebody should have told him that being a physicist, on a planet where the smartest animals hate being alive so much, means never having to say you’re sorry.” © Kurt Vonnegut “Timequake”.
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Es absolūti neesmu tehnisks cilvēks, bet Grahama Edmondsona (Dolby Laboratories Inc.) prezentācija 3h ierāva mani skaņu pasaulē. Noskatoties, piemēram, Smirnoff reklāmu kinoteātriem, kurā nav bildes, bet tikai skaņa; Star Wars skaņu režisora remixu pirmajai Star Wars filmai Dolby Digital Surround EX vidē, THX Lucasfilms skaņu testus . . . viss ir ok, tagad es zinu, ka ja mani traucē skaņa kinoteātrī es varu pieiet pie skaņu vīra un teikt: “Uzliec sound processor uz 7.” :) Un tad es pajautāju . . . tas viss ir ok, bet kā ar filmas saturu, tev nešķiet, ka 95% filmu ir mēsli, ko ražo šajās “super” skaņu sistēmās? Graham pamāja ar galvu un teica, ka tas jau ir up to you to put through great ideas and soul . . . :
Saistībā ar to un Matrix, Kill Bill etc. . . . ‘Joke’ of the day: “53 years later, on August 6th 1995, there was a gathering in the chapel of my university to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the detonation of the first atomic bomb, over the city of Hiroshima, Japan. I was there. One of the speakers was the physicist Leo Seren. He had participated in the successful experiment under the lifeless sports facility so long ago. Get this: He apologized for having done that! Somebody should have told him that being a physicist, on a planet where the smartest animals hate being alive so much, means never having to say you’re sorry.” © Kurt Vonnegut “Timequake”.
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Current Mood: creative
Current Music: La Dolce Vita soundtrack by Nino Rota