zdv's Journal


8th October 2003

5:56pm: Lietus!
Ah . . . šeit līst lietus - es mīlu lietu, sevišķi, ja varu saritināties siltā gultiņā . . . bet vislabāk laukos pie tēva - sēdēt sienaukšā un klausīties kā lietus lāses rībina pa jumtu :)) Man patīk lietus laikā mīlēties and so it goes! Tā kā šeit abas šīs obcijas nevaru izmantot aizgāju uz pastu nosūtīt dokumentus mātei - izliju līdz vīlītei. 19.30 film history - varēja arī nebūt. Visi dāņi aizdragāja skatīties TV Dānijas prinča saderināšanos - who cares! Izrēcāmies ar kaudzi cilvēku par kaliforniešu jauno gubernatoru "I'll be back!" un "Astalavista baby!"
Ah man ir kaut kāda nostaļģija uznākusi - nākamnedēļ pierunāju Jacob rādīt Stalkeri - lai jau viņiem tiek labs krievu kino!
Current Mood: nostalgic
Current Music: *******
10:47pm: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
To go for more ammunition, Sundance gives Butch cover, but the fearsome gunfire wounds both of them. While cornered in an empty stucco building, the two wounded men still bicker with each other, giving a mocking, ironic edge to their words:

Butch: Is that what you call giving cover?
Sundance: Is that what you call running? If I knew you were gonna stroll...
Butch: You never could shoot, not from the very beginning.
Sundance: And you were all mouth.

They are unaware that a whole regiment of hundreds of Bolivian soldiers arrives to surround them - the "banditos Yanquis." While bleeding badly, they daydream and optimistically talk of new places to go, even debating about the possibility of emigrating to Australia and starting a new life there:

Butch: I got a great idea where we should go next.
Sundance: I don't want to hear it.
Butch: You'll change your mind when I tell ya.
Sundance: Shut up.
Butch: OK, OK.
Sundance: It's your great ideas that got us here.
Butch: Forget about it.
Sundance: I don't ever want to hear another one of your ideas. All right?
Butch: All right.
Sundance: OK.
Butch: Australia - I figured secretly you wanted to know, so I told ya. Australia.
Sundance: That's your great idea?
Butch: Oh, the greatest in a long line.
Sundance: Australia's no better than here.
Butch: That's all you know.
Sundance: Name me one thing better.
Butch: They speak English in Australia.
Sundance: They do?
Butch: That's right, smart guy, so we wouldn't be foreigners. They got horses in Australia. And they got thousands of mountains you hide out in. And good climate. Nice beaches. You could learn to swim.
Sundance: No swimming! It isn't important. What about the banks?
Butch: They're easy. Easy, ripe, and luscious.
Sundance: The banks or the women?
Butch: Once you've got one, you've got the other.
Sundance: It's a long way, isn't it?
Butch: Ah, everything's got to be perfect with you.
Sundance: I just don't want to get there and find out it stinks - that's all.
Butch: At least think about it.
Sundance: All right, I'll think about it.
Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: ======
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