12:22pm: Stalkers
Vakardien "Stalkers" kārtējo reizi lika pārliecināties, ka kino ir māksa - kino valoda, semantika utt . . . Interesanti cik cilvēku, kas itkā regulāri apmeklē kino ir patiešām spējīgi to lasīt un saprast?
Puskaraļvalsti un princesi par sievu tam, kurš/kura atradīs Stalker skriptu orģinālvalodā!
Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: Beethoven "Fur Elise"
5:44pm: Lai pati to atceros!
Cinema is, first and formost, montage.
The principle of montage may be considered to be an element of Japanese representational culture. The script, for their script is primarily representational. The hieroglyph.
Hieroglyphs each taken separately corresponds to an object but their combination corresponds to a concept. The combination of two “representable” objects achievs the representation of something that cannot be graphically represented.
For example, a dog and mouth mean “to bark”
a mouth and baby mean “to scream”
But – this is montage!!
Yeas. It is precisely what we do in cinema, juxtaposing representational shots that have, as far as possible, the same meaning, that are neutral in terms of their meaning, in meaningful contexts and series.
It is an essential method and device in any cinematographic. And, in a condensed and purified form, it is the starting-point for ‘intellectual cinema’, a cinema that seeks the maximum leconicism in the visual exposition of abstract concepts.
[Sergei Eisenstein. From film Form. Beyond the shot [the cinematographic principle and the ideogram]
Current Mood: energetic
Current Music: Klusums