zdv's Journal


24th August 2003

12:23pm: zdv
zdv ir klat :P
5:30pm: Timequake by K.Vonnegut
Dažas vietas, kas liek apstāties un padomāt.

1) You want to know why I don't have AIDS, why I'm not HIV-positive like so many people? I don't fuck around. It's as simple as that.

2) . . . . one of my three favorite questions. Two of the three are questions rather than good advice of any kind. The second is Jesus Christ's "Who is they say I am?"
10:15pm: Ludovic Bablon Histoire du jeune homme bouleversé en marche vers la totalité du réel
Palasījos mazliet . . . . šķiet sakarīga grāmata . . . žēl, ka mana franču valoda nav tik labā līmenī, lai varētu to izlasīt, bet tas ko palasījos angliski
. . . bija ok!

Hello. I know nothing. I will die of desire.

Yesterday I cut my hair short. Today I awoke desiring the Book.

One fine morning, I will get up, my hair will have grown back without my knowing it; I will stand there before the mirror asking myself where this face has come from, and exactly what this hair is all about. I'll be at a loss for words.
Current Music: Bjork Alarm Call
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