Just Chewbacca riding a giant squirrel and fighting some Nazis

Jan. 21st, 2015 | 04:51 pm

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Jan. 18th, 2015 | 05:39 am

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Jan. 17th, 2015 | 06:59 pm

Sleater Kinney - Call the doctor
manām ausīm svaigs, enerģisks meiteņu pankroks no vašingtonas.

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(no subject)

Jan. 17th, 2015 | 10:23 am

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(no subject)

Jan. 17th, 2015 | 10:15 am

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love the answer.

Dec. 18th, 2014 | 08:14 am
mood: moderately silly

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Dec. 18th, 2014 | 12:09 am

A: Love is the answer.
B: What?
B: Love the answer?
B: I'll love it forever if I can remain capable of loving while doing so.

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(no subject)

Dec. 17th, 2014 | 08:20 pm

"A: Hi, I'd like to buy this abstract, post modernist, surrealist painting of this angst ridden, haunted looking man. B:That, sir, is a mirror."

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MC Escher

Dec. 17th, 2014 | 07:56 pm

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What an Uncensored Letter to M.L.K. Reveals

Dec. 10th, 2014 | 11:18 pm


žurnālisma kvalitāte (kur kā lampiņa mirgo vispārējais brieduma līmenis) gan neliecina, ka par kaut ko vajadzētu dikti priecāties, bet whatever.

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a comment regarding my capabilities to express and be perceived

Dec. 10th, 2014 | 11:16 pm

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(no subject)

Dec. 10th, 2014 | 11:06 pm

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Museum of important shit

Dec. 10th, 2014 | 10:36 pm

tikko noskatījos 20000 Days On Earth. we're not that hopeless, now it seems. breath of fresh air. salīdzinot šo pieredzi ar to, kādu man sniedza Džārmuša pēdējā filma (pēcgarša - ierakties zemē driven by a reasonable concern about the inevitability of the closeness of apocolypse). rekomendēju.


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(no subject)

Oct. 15th, 2014 | 08:50 pm

Public statement

I'd suggest that you stop the trying to take my humanity away. (yes, human with an understanding that there is a monkey in all of us, but keeping that human part sacred [if the word sacred scares you, view it as something vital to our collective survival (because it is)]) Taking that away from me simply is not possible. In the end you would either have to kill me (which you can not do) or you'll have to deal with the force/power you've used against me - reverberating right back against you. it is in my interests to help you to ease that out if you will have the brains to accept my offer of peace. but as I stood here, here I will stand.

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(no subject)

Sep. 18th, 2014 | 07:33 am

« Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it. » Descartes

being alive is not THAT difficult. no, really. it seriously is not that difficult. that point. yes. where the humanity is the cat, killed by it's curiosity.


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Sep. 17th, 2014 | 09:05 am

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(no subject)

Sep. 17th, 2014 | 05:27 am

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par nopietno

Aug. 9th, 2014 | 11:14 am

ir diezgan absurdi, ka bezpalīdzīgam, paradoksāla vecuma vīram ar krītiņu mutē ir jāzīmē patiesība, kamēr apkārt - pagātnes piepildītas acis nervozi un neizlēmīgi klusē.

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(no subject)

Jul. 6th, 2014 | 12:49 am

... tālāk ... )

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perfect match for that "cop in a rain coat"

Jul. 5th, 2014 | 11:21 pm


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