
updated my profile

May. 7th, 2015 | 06:05 am
From:: zaralustra

updated my profile:/


Involved in various types of technological, scientific & humanitarian activities.
Sometimes do graphic design, desktop publishing, illustration work.
Words and pictures are my virtue. I complement one with the other with light hand and confidence.

Cheerleader of Socrates, Aristotle, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, a stripper for Carl Gustav Jung & Erich Fromm. A true brother of Martin Luther King Jr.

Holding a view that Alexander Piatigorsky was the last philosopher of modern day. Surprised and inspired by him being able to spring even under the oppressive hand of soviet and post-soviet Russia's dementia. Viewing it as a miracle, really.

Aged 23 I had the misfortune to relive and meet that very same fate of Socrates - more or less for a crime of similar nature. Differences - the suicide was forced. I survived. And 3 years later - in May 2012, "amid the unrest caused by the Greek government debt crisis, an international panel of judges and lawyers held a mock re-trial of Socrates in Athens, resulting in an acquittal of the accused."
I do believe that this trial was an honoring of my unfortunate fate and the sacrifice I had made, an honoring of everything I believe in.

Am Holding an ambition to surgically remove the unhealthy dose of Freud from our daily lives using the method of chemistry of thought, invented by myself aged nineteen, feeling like a total bad-ass, not having been rejected his order of a pint of beer and lightheartedly lighting up a cigarette that masked up the being of me then - immature, troubled boy, that did not believe he would need a psychologist. Little did I know.
Back to the main topic of this paragraph - Freud is not the father of psychoanalysis, Freud is the father of his dick in any of his colleagues and your mothers face.

By necessity am a one man partisan army in these strange times. Front-line is in the other end of the end-line. In the meantime - fuck war. Pretty much would consider myself being a human rights activist. Muffled.

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