ALPINE - Villages

Apr. 28th, 2015 | 08:25 am

ALPINE - Villages

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Rory Kurtz, illustrator & artist, U.S.

Apr. 28th, 2015 | 09:34 am

P.S. Rorija priekšā es noņemu cepuri. This is powerful shit. And so relevant. And so unpretentious. And so just exactly how something like this should be.

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foundations of society, last minute to have a future

Apr. 28th, 2015 | 10:43 am
mood: wah, a wormhole just opened
music: Decolonising Universities - Claude Alvares

I wouldn't call this man and people alike simply people or teachers. They're the last hope this darned planet has. but no one has the time and courage. and what else - the ability (sooner it's a curse) to give a fuck. and no one enjoys the stability needed for a life that could be marked as lived. and it's hard to imagine for the people in charge to suddenly shift from the regular "let's hook tonight" and have a laugh about this circus happening in the background. shifting that "snot in the wind" (but who cares, if business as usual (but, really - totally NOT. there's the thing - business is not as usual. but whatever, right?) posture, would be really hard. shifting towards - being a responsible human being and a great leader - yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it? but who likes to take on such responsibilities in times when people offer you to buy back your mother.
here, I again, this is one of the countless times I reach this exit of a problem, recognition of a problem (the problem stands in the way of any steps towards sanity) far too often (with no exit, really, just a sense of utter human powerlessness) - concluding that Russia is like a fifth wheel in a car. why? [this might sound very simplified, but:] because they just want to control people instead of governing them. and that overtone of psychopathy there - see no reason for cheering up. but still do. everyday. fight or flight.
if something has ever really mattered, then this is one of the things. weird to call them things. really terabytes of concepts and realities. getting our shit together - that truly matters.
not to condemn Russia alone - everyone pretty much f-ed up. and every single one of the giant kitties have been acting like real bad kitties. (really - worse than that - utter recklessness towards our already fucked up enough humanity/modern (ha!) civilization, society). time to digest that all. contemplate. [preferably REAL FAST! :D] and stop this madness.
and start anew. or - one might view it as simply i.e. handling a really fast car and not crashing it, killing everyone on this planet (I sometimes hate this time-wise pretty bearable schedule that we stick to when killing our children, ourselves and, really, everyone on this planet).

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draft of a formulation. of opening up a dialogue that matters, hub number one

Apr. 28th, 2015 | 10:52 am

I'm glad that at least the staff knows that I'm not insane. in case that all sounds mental - it is believable that it could be viewed as such, not unmistakeably perceivable. my apologies, I have been institutionalized by matrix.

referring to (both mine and your) human dignity, honor, an obligation not to allow your friend to get at the wheel of a car if he is drunk. and your mom. I assure you these things really do matter. nothing much else at the moment on this planet matters more than the issues touched in the previous post. what's terrible - that very few people understand the importance of being a responsible human being. especially - in times of crisis. in my opinion a very serious crisis. if we fuck up on this - I doubt that this society would continue. I'm a depressed person, but even to me it still seems way too much fun to refuse from.

from my viewpoint - we have no more than two decades left on this planet [the last 5 years would be hell on earth, but things starting to seriously deteriorate after the first decade would have already made our lives pretty miserable and certainly - very stressful], continuing on like this - passively mostly, from time to time bursting out in neurotic panic campaigns. continuing so - the planet might still pull through somehow. but will the people pull through somehow? I doubt.

we're out of touch. choking on the consequences of knowing too much about everything, sadly not knowing shit about the necessity to refurbish the architecture of education, focused on quantity of knowledge, lacking in depth and vision [you can easily call it - sense of tact], choking on greed and excessive optimism, dancing with creativity till the point it drops motionless because of you allowing that self-sufficient sparkling joy, curiosity and optimism to become distorted, forced into conformity with our regular ticky-tack. capitalism demands it. and lives are overcrowded. not necessarily with people.
how lenient you are towards the demands and temptations of making a profit - that to me, you and everyone we know is a choice. anyhow, I am certain that we're more than one step too far already. so too it is possible to loose the ability to give a fuck. the terrifying fact is - it happens slowly. there's something similar with smoking and lung cancer. the irrational idea (based in hope) that it won't or, if you're a person who believes in the concept of luck, think that it, at least hopefully, shouldn't happen with you.
so we tick and tack, slowly falling asleep to life in it's full spectrum of human experience [being human] can provide (the possibilities theoretically are endless).

you should never stop giving a fuck. don't go to sleep, not giving a fuck. the moment you stop caring - you might find yourself waking up ever closer to death. from the other end it is - falling asleep to your life. as in - becoming less attentive to it.
my chaotic reflections have run out of spark for the moment.
the main thing - you should never stop giving a fuck.
before I take my fingers off the keys, I think about when I'll meet with this thought-space again. if I would be a person that smiles often, I would smile now.
draft of formulation? a formulation of a platform from whcih dialogue can emerge. while researching and thinking about the possibilities of creating such platform one must put his ego aside. and strive to be a decent human being. the process was effortless and fun. not that it was easy, but the necessary elements somehow brought themselves together. the rest is honesty and dance.

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