indeed, let's dance

Jun. 24th, 2014 | 12:14 am

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There is no more distorted sex left to sell, without becoming consciossly suicidal.

Jun. 24th, 2014 | 06:10 am
mood: randy marsh

A little oversaturation. Satiration, yeah, a cat stuck to my head laughs.
Poor with sexual stereotyping dulled eyes. These eyes are bothered (constantly battling against that cognition degenerating perception forming a base in my head), so is the mind. This, in advertising industry crafted shit (a perception degrading parasite infection, really). In my humble (but, really - greatly important and congenial) opinion - oversexualization in media - it is long past due to do something about that.

First of all - realizing that the problem. Which is - manipulative sexual stereotyping (propaganda, really) and it leading to continuous misrepresentations of (delusions about) reality, being present in our society. It’s slowly breaking the full joy and type of experience, which is invaluable - being here in a hi-fidelity spectrum, this all is slowly being torn into peaces.
Tampering in this way with something that is so fragile and precious - human consciousness - I consider that being utterly irresponsible, Since we have had enough time to see what it has done to our society so far - I’d call our carelessness outrageous.

The correspondingly profiting industries recklessly apply lies (carefully designed techniques that use unethical (at least if used in this way - CERTAINLY UNETHICAL) knowledge as it’s basis) to everything we see. My own exposition to this shit obviously signals me of danger (and provides evidence in the form of experience - the conclusion being that the general experience has changed and I wouldn’t say I like it.

All that shit we perceive (want we that or not) slowly degenerates/distorts our perception skills and so leaves a negative impact on our cognitive skills (distorting and numbing them), impairing our ability to reason objectively in general.

So. Really. When will someone with a word, heavy enough to nail according ears, will finally state that enough is enough and that it can not go on.
And, no, people, that are concerned and aware about this problem - they certainly are not lunatics. Because there is no more distorted sex left to sell, without becoming consciously suicidal.

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(no subject)

Jun. 24th, 2014 | 07:20 am

By the way. Šonakt saņēmu apsveikumu saulgriežos no Bulgārijas (entuziasti vai varas iestādes - don't know, neparakstījās). video simply atvērās manā interneta pārlūkā.

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