
understanding with the depth of feeling

May. 21st, 2014 | 05:29 am
From:: zaralustra

The importance of understanding with the depth of feeling. Science, progress and it’s current relationship with humanity.

Am I the only one seeing that dead end in the end of this all? Logics without a sufficient emotional, irrational background are a dangerous thing. The term optimal, on the other hand, is simply terrifyingly dead. Not that the term is dead, what it embodies (to describe in these times) is dead. And even emotional, irrational background itself doesn’t grant you the momentum needed for balance.

How can one explain morality and human dignity? Kind of can. But it’s not the simplest task. That which I’m trying to identify with those two terms (morality and human dignity) has a very important functional purpose in our lives. and we’re running low on it (as a collective).

The lower we run on it the harder it gets to make sure that one can explain the kind of thing those two terms embody to another human being, so cherishing it and cultivating it. You can never describe it fully (you simply have to stay alive to still understand what it means). That’s why it is always a dance. It takes some part of dancing on both sides.

Morality and human dignity present (at least to some degree, nevermind the World War II) - that is why we did not feel the need to run into discussions about these kinds of things before. I have chosen to bring your attention to this and fire up your grey matter with this article, because it’s fucking important. It really is. Unless we want to end up at a dead end with no way back as a consequence of our mindless sheep-like behavior - harvested by people who get rich at the cost of our common future because they can (more realistically I’d say it already interweaves every aspect of or present, everyday lives, but I do not want to get into politics much).

In a world where (lately) the closest to emotional/irrational background we mostly run into is “getting laid and anger” (nevermind the bunch of so fucking sad people), objectivity starts to fail. Loosing touch with objective reality isn’t that bad of a thing. We’ve always loved a slight touch of lunacy. But this is long over the red line.
Morality and human dignity unable to form itself in an individual is the real and immanent danger. And, once again, I tell you - it fucking matters, believe me.
My wish to our humanity, the fucking crown of universe - stay alive. And leave the world of undead where we are not.

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