
the national - terrible love

May. 19th, 2014 | 09:09 am
From:: zaralustra
tagadnes sāpes esence. esmu zaudējis absolūti jebkādu spēju jēdzīgi izteikties. gribās sist ar galvu pret klāviātūru.

It's a terrible love
That I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking with
It's a terrible love
That I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking with
It's quiet company
It's quiet company

It's a terrible love
And I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking with
It's a terrible love
And I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking with
It's quiet company
It's quiet company
It's quiet company

And I can't fall asleep
Without a little help
It takes awhile
To settle down
My ship of hopes
Wait til the past leaks out

It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break
It's quite a company
It's quiet company

But I won't follow you
Into the rabbit hole
I said I would
But then I saw
The ship of woes
They didn't want me to

It's a terrible love
And I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking here
It's a terrible love
That I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking here

It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break

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