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zalamans - Post a comment

[info]zalamansNov. 11th, 2009 01:18 am The death of my guardian angels

All my guardian angels have died in this evening, when the sarrow took over me, The sarrow of my worth dreams turning to reality. My guardian angels, died painfuly of my sarrow of my hate and anger of my heart break. The God all mighty God punished me for it, before and after, I don't understand him, never have...He took away all my dreams, the sunlight and the pleasure, love and harmony...Now I am back in my darkest hour, even more deepest before this all when he showed me the light and than jsut took away from me. Oh angels help me understand his will , help me heal dead angels of mine, becouse there are only deamons around and inside of me. I feel empty..empty like a shell without it's soul, oh angels please help me find my soul, search it at the edge of the hell, seek it there where is no time and space, search for it in satans palace. Get it back, I pray you, I beg you beacause without it I am losing my self, the emptyness of me are beginig to fill with darkness and evil daemons. Save My Soul save me!

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