#daily news |
Sep. 7th, 2018|11:11 am |
As reported, Saeima has passed amendments to the Education Law stipulating that the education system ensures students’ moral education in line with the values defined in the Constitution, including marriage and family. The law also obliges education institutions, except for higher education institutions, to protect students from information, as well as education and upbringing methods that are not consistent with the moral education standards stipulated by the law.
----atkal es gandrīz palaidu garām kārtējo virzību atpakaļ viduslaikos. kādi vēl bļ^%$ morālās izglītības standarti un "aizsardzība no informācijas"?? un valsts brīvdiena par godu tam pensim no vatikāna ejtunost, un paralēli em dirš, ka latvijai jākļūst par viedvalsti??---- gandrīz jūtos spiests kļūt par karojošu ateistu, jopta. |