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#daily movie review May. 16th, 2017|09:21 pm

she says - i like long walks and sci fi movies;
you're six foot tall and east coast bred

a.k.a. ģimenes problēmas. tādā sengrieķu stilā (what else is new in this world, huh, or more precisely - what else is there that they teach at screenwriting courses), bišķi eidips kā centrālais konflikts, māsu konflkts, un visam pāri tradicionālais: blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
bet tas tā. galvenais - vizuāli ļoti smuka filma, visas cgi detaļas izskatās rūpīgi pārdomātas. aina, kurā skelets, ejot un runājot, pamazām apaug ar muskuļu masu, ādu un matiem, ir vienlaicīgi smieklīgi banāla saturā un vizuāli grandioza izpildījumā. the future is now, my friends. the future is computer generated, amazingly beautiful massacre scenes.
no zvaigžņotiem kameo, protams, stens lī, howard the duck, pekmens, deivids haselhofs, un, lol, spoileris! silvestrs stalone. wtf happened to him, i wonder. too much botox? mute čalim nekustās vispār, gandrīz tāpat kā takeši kitano. weird shit.
all in all, though, i am a bit tired of superhero movies. daudz par daudz. tagad vēl tā brīnumsieviete ar kapteini kirku pie rokas, un āfrikāņu kaķis, un dedpūls divi, ufffff...need a break.
un, protams, saundtreks! i had a sony walkman like that. a blue one. bought for the very first 30 lats i earned, back in secondary school.
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