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#daily sunday read Jun. 12th, 2016|02:14 pm

rirkrit tiravanija organises a dinner in a collector's home, and leaves him all the ingredients required to make a thai soup. philippe parreno invites a few people to pursue their favorite hobbies on may day, on a factory assembly line. vanessa beecroft dresses some twenty women in the same way, complete with a red wig, and the visitor merely gets a glimpse at them through the doorway. maurizio cattelan feeds rats on "bel paese" cheese and sells them as multiples, or exhibits recently robbed safes. in a copenhagen square, jes brinch and henrik plenge jacobsen install an upturned bus that causes a rival riot in the city. christine hill works as a check-out assistant in a supermarket, organises a weekly gym workshop in a gallery. carsten holler recreates the chemical formula of molecules secreted by the human brain when in love, builds an inflatable plastic yacht, and breeds chaffinches with the aim of teaching them a new song.
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