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#daily tv review Jan. 25th, 2016|08:20 pm

noskatījos the abominable bride. viss tas (šogad) modīgais feminisms - blah, ilgās teatrālās ekspozīcijas un monologi arī - blah. but anyway, a rather good piece of writing, as expected from industry professionals. šitā seriāla stiprā puse tomēr ir attiecību dinamika.

memorable moment one:
did you know that dust is largely composed of human skin...? that's what people really are, you know. dust waiting to be redistributed.

memorable moment two:
so what if he's right?! he's always right. it's boring!

moment two is sherlock confessing his love for john, basically. the whole series is a modern gay fanfic, basically. the more i see of it, the more i am sure.

memorable moment three:
it's never twins!!!!

would be so funny if mary/moriarty twin theory turned out to be canon.
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