- April 1st, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 1st, 2019

april is the cruellest month [Apr. 1st, 2019|09:21 pm]
[music |heisei's over, baby]

arnijs švarcnegers un džimijs falons ieviesuši tiktok akauntus. un kautkāda midwestern soccer mom pūlas tur sākt "clean up your room, kids" čelendžu.

bweh. the good days are over. you can be free on the internet for around five seconds these days, until the establishment moves in.

pilsētā visi staigā kā papīra lelles - black vans, khaki fishtail parkas, red beanie hats. štampēti fabrikā, es tanī skaitā.

aizdomājos par to, ka senos laikos visi labie piedzīvojumi (detektīvstāsti un tā. murakami noveles) sākās ar negaidītu tālruņa zvanu. you know. rotary dial phone. intruding cold ringing sound, anonymous and perhaps slightly menacing. you know, cassette tapes with songs recorded from late night radio shows, the dj's voice talking over the music at the end.

don't have those anymore.

uzlikšu veiporveivu un gremdēšos nostaļģijā.
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