- January 7th, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 7th, 2019

#daily new year [Jan. 7th, 2019|12:12 pm]
illustrated catalogue of day and night bombshells of the hirayama fireworks co
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#daily fashion illustration [Jan. 7th, 2019|07:19 pm]
[mood |c'est la mode]

it's all in the details. the way you tip your hat, or carry your bag, or tuck your oversized sweatshirt (it makes you look smaller and therefore cuter) into your pleated tulle longskirt.

in tokugawa period, the ultimate definition of おしゃれ was wearing a plain muted color kimono jacket with an elaborate, most elegant and fascinating pattern on the inside, so that others would get a glimpse of it only occasionally, when one would wave one's sleeves, for example.

two lessons can be drawn from this. the way of wearing clothes communicates one's personality, and one should never parade one's treasured aspects fully in public - they should be saved for those who can notice, and can appreciate.
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