- June 12th, 2017 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 12th, 2017

#daily memory loss [Jun. 12th, 2017|02:14 pm]
[mood |東京パラダイス]
[music |the smell of rain ]

there are things i forget.
how there was no way to download torrents or stream online, and we had to go to tsutaya to rent movies and tv series. in dvd.
how expensive air conditioning was, and how everyone tried to use cheap plastic fans instead.
how we were woken up every early sunday morning by the sound of the large garbage items collecting truck.
how we went to all the all-you-can-eat viking buffets, and still lost a ton of weight.
how i used to wander around shinjuku's 7 level loft store, looking at the cute household appliances and daydreaming, idly, of a place of my own, somewhere in this world.
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#daily business [Jun. 12th, 2017|03:15 pm]
[mood |plastic fantastic]

ivasaki industrijai pieder gandrīz viss japānas tirgus tādā smalkā nišā kā feika ēdiena ražošana un pārdošana. (uzreiz gan jāatzīst, ka lielākā uzņēmuma ienākumu daļa nāk no šo mantiņu izīrēšanas, jo feikie hamburgeri un zupu bļodas maksā bargas naudas.)
jo kas gan vispār ir īstenība, lol.
attiecīgi, pirmdienas pēcpusdienas uzdevums: viens no šiem marmora gaļas gabaliņiem ir "īsts", un otrs darināts no pēvēcē. can you guess which is which.
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#daily quote [Jun. 12th, 2017|04:16 pm]
[music |always my very favorite guy]

Men's clothing is more pure in design. It's more simple and has no decoration. Women want that. When I started designing, I wanted to make men's clothes for women. But there were no buyers for it. Now there are. I always wonder who decided that there should be a difference in the clothes of men and women. Perhaps men decided this. --Yohji Yamamoto
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