- January 9th, 2017 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 9th, 2017

#daily news [Jan. 9th, 2017|10:10 am]
[music |brace yourselves it's winter]

LETA: 4,079 cubic-meters of snow taken out of Riga overnight

... but ... where do they take it? and what happens to it?
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#daily monday [Jan. 9th, 2017|11:11 am]
jaunu mūziku atklāt eju uz fancy lielveikaliem (the only bounty of shopping, lately, as far as clothes are concerned, i can never find anything that remotely matches what i imagine i want in my head). šajā ziņā palīdz vecais labais šazams.

находка номер один

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