- December 20th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 20th, 2016

dragon and monkey II [Dec. 20th, 2016|03:15 pm]
[mood |things as they are]

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#daily quote [Dec. 20th, 2016|04:16 pm]
missed connection: we lived and died on opposite sides of the world before international travel was possible. good. i would have hated you.
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#daily link [Dec. 20th, 2016|05:17 pm]
[mood |conexus grid]


remember when you used to surf late nigh am radio waves on a cheap plastic panasonic player, the vertical indicator line sliding from 5 to 16 and back, white noise fading into some weird far away station in a foreign hard-to -deciopher language and fading out again? i do. the sound of my childhood.

and sometimes, if the clouds were low, i could even catch turkey.
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