- July 20th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 20th, 2016

#daily quote [Jul. 20th, 2016|12:12 pm]
we'd kept everything witty and cool, until the air between us was so ironized that to say anything in earnest would have been a breach of manners, even of trust.
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#daily creepy part [Jul. 20th, 2016|03:15 pm]
[mood |e-begging]

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#daily discovery [Jul. 20th, 2016|06:18 pm]
vecrīgas pizzahut ir most overpriced, most dirty, sad and slow joint i have ever seen. viņiem pat kolas nav. čili pica izskatās ok salīdzinājumā.
ļauns prieks.
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