- June 27th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 27th, 2016

#daily holidays ahead [Jun. 27th, 2016|03:15 pm]
[mood |let's get outta here]
[music |in 3, 2, 1]

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#daily thought [Jun. 27th, 2016|08:20 pm]
[music |the art of keeping your mouth shut]

you know who would make great spies. them people in the big movie business. like, star wars. or game of thrones. so many people involved. and yet the endings/major future plot points/hell, the scripts, even, have not leaked out. must be amazing, though, to be one of those who know.
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#daily thought II [Jun. 27th, 2016|09:21 pm]
[music |the 15th century called, they want the inquisition back]

you know them smart people. like, astrophysicists and such. mit and caltech. nobel prizes. each worth a ten of you plus the weight of ten of you in platinum. and they have to waste copious amounts of their precious limited time to... debating and addressing the issue of whether "god" exists.
the more i think about that, the sadder i get.
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