- January 3rd, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 3rd, 2016

#daily memory loss [Jan. 3rd, 2016|02:14 pm]
[mood |]

there was this time, when the school was out for winter vacation, or the temperature dropped below twenty and we were allowed not to attend (an occasion rejoiced an celebrated). so we rolled out of the house in the morning, full of hot chocolate and fatty latvian breakfast, into the frost or the snowfall, with ice skates and/or intentions of building fortresses and starting snowball wars, and we were not expected to come back until the dark.
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#daily inspiration [Jan. 3rd, 2016|03:15 pm]
[music |love of beautiful things only]

uncle karl. ja īvs ir nenormālais, pašdestruktīvais franču mākslinieks, monmartra tusovkas labākajās tradīcijās, tad karls ir loģiskā, disciplinētā vācu mašīna. franču vieglais humors viņā apvienots ar fabrikas īpašnieku-uzņēmēju darba ētiku.

in other news, i had almost forgot again - how i love it, how i absolutely adore it - high fashion, as complicated, strange, remote and abstract and, at the same time, as precise a heart rate monitor reading of the era and as insanely amusing business as contemporary art is.

in yet other news, i still remember german so well - i can watch interviews in german and understand ninety percent of it. without any effort whatsoever. really, somehow german is very easy, although i never really liked it all that much. i have forgotten most of my french, though. and i should re-learn it. for work, if not for all the great books you can read in french.
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#daily paradox [Jan. 3rd, 2016|06:18 pm]
[mood |life is hard]
[music |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6teOmBuMxw4]

ja kautkas ir ļoti eleganti un ģeniāli uzrakstīts, to ir grūti pārtulkot.
ja kautkas ir drausmīgi neveikli un kroplīgi uzrakstīts, to arī ir grūti pārtulkot.
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#daily find [Jan. 3rd, 2016|11:23 pm]
wow, izrādās, skārleta johansone dzied! un ļoti labi dzied. with fiona apple-ish undertones.

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