#daily news |
[Aug. 31st, 2015|09:56 am] |
[ | mood |
| | get fat and/or die | ] |
[ | music |
| | the market never sleeps | ] | (LETA) Around EUR 1 million will be invested in the development of the "Kentucky Fried Chicken" (KFC) and "Pizza Hut" in Latvia. |
#daily news II |
[Aug. 31st, 2015|10:01 am] |
[ | mood |
| | much emotions | ] |
[ | music |
| | fright night - let's kill something | ] | (LETA) Latin Americans most emotional in the world, Latvia at the end of the list - research --- Led by Bolivia and El Salvador, Latin American countries dominate the top of the list of the most emotional countries in the world for 2014.
el salvadora ir tā vieta, kur visi iedzīvotāji ir in a gang un viņiem ir visaugstākais slepkavību biežums pasaulē. starp citu. |
#daily video |
[Aug. 31st, 2015|12:30 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | lunch break science | ] |
[ | music |
| | the strange behaviour of liquids II | ] | gaiz, du ju nou vai iz dat hapens? tas moments par ūdens neiztvaikošanu pannā ļoti augstā temperatūrā mani vajā murgos. neskaidri jūtu, ka skolā fizikas stundā šito izskaidroja, but i just can't freaking remember.
#daily yellow pages |
[Aug. 31st, 2015|03:28 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | gossip girls | ] |
[ | music |
| | kanye for president | ] | a kima kardašiana ta tik resna, nu tiiik resna, akdies. un tā gumijas seja... jabba the hut, much. bet vispār man viņas mazliet žēl. vīrs viņai dikti dumjš, un tas ir apkaunojoši. |
#daily tv review with žuks glaks |
[Aug. 31st, 2015|10:40 pm] |
[ | music |
| | talking heads - don't worry about the government | ] | binge watching parks and recreation. genius stuff. pirmšķirīga satīra, it īpaši, ja ir strādāts valsts sektorā, daudzas detaļas un nianses ir tik ļoti tuvas un pazīstamas. varoņu raksturi kompleksi, ē, nē, kāpateikt, daudzšķautņaini, tāpat arī viņu savstarpējās attiecības. favorite character - i'd say a tie between april ludgate and ron swanson. although who am i kidding. ron swanson wins.
although april and andy relationship also wins. as the most ideal couple relationship ever. |