- June 30th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 30th, 2015

#daily link [Jun. 30th, 2015|09:47 am]
[mood |you and me, babe, in a boat]
[music |daft punk - around the world]

jābūt, protams, mazliet turīgam, un vairāk nekā mazliet trakam, lai parakstītos uz kautko tādu. bet vienalga. izskatās pēc tik brīnišķīga piedzīvojuma.
šīs, manā izpratnē, ir laulības, definīcija. you're in one boat and there's no walking away from one another until the problem is solved. un problēmas nevis, tipa - kurš mazgās traukus, bet gan - kā tikt ārā no vētras, kā salabot saplīsušu buru vai arī mēs nekustam trīs mēnešus ne no vietas un nav pārtikas, utt., utml.
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#daily link [Jun. 30th, 2015|12:37 pm]
[mood |only beautiful things]

i take off my hands and give them to you but you don't want them, so i take them back and put them on the wrong way.
meanwhile, in other news - i still maintain that (lean, sinewy, long) arms are one of the most sexual parts of a man.
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