- February 20th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 20th, 2015

#daily old news [Feb. 20th, 2015|11:49 am]
[mood |謹賀新年]

daudz laimes jaunajā kazas gadā
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#daily link [Feb. 20th, 2015|12:36 pm]
[mood |big city life]

omg, this is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen
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#daily visual [Feb. 20th, 2015|04:09 pm]
[music |he's got cash, he's got style]

ja būtu tāda mirušo rakstnieku best dressed balva, tā tiktu, bez šaubām, piešķirta semjuelam beketam:
just look at that elegant watch and the way he rocks that bag, babe )
the proper way to strut your stuff, by mr. beckett )
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