- February 18th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 18th, 2015

#daily read [Feb. 18th, 2015|01:44 pm]
[music |the state of the consumer is eternal discontent]

dabas dienā (šī diemžēl nav apmaksāta reklāma) mobilo aplikāciju par dabu apskats. piem. StarWalk, ļaujot tipa pavērst kameru pret nakts debesīm un tiek noteikts, kādi zvaigznāji redzami. kinda cool, bet tikai eplim, un tikai par maksu. eh.
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#smaržas III [Feb. 18th, 2015|02:31 pm]
[mood |smell-o-holic]
[music |okay, i'm officially obsessed]

"the reason i got into this," turin will say, [..] "is because i'm french, at least by upbringing. frenchmen will do things that anglo men won't, and france is a country of smells. there's something called pourriture noble. noble rot. it's a fungus. it grows on grapes, draws the waters out, concentrates the juice wonderfully, adds its own fungal flavor, and then you make wines like the sweet sauternes. paradise. from rotten grapes. the idea that things should be slightly dirty, overripe, slightly fecal is everywhere in france. they like rotten cheese and dirty sheets and unwashed women." (c)
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