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December 19th, 2014

#daily good morning [Dec. 19th, 2014|09:13 am]
[music |working 9 to 5]

in the mornings when i can't really wake up from all the partying the night before, i've started to imagine bbc sherlock's moriarty in my head, shouting at me: in the mornings, people get up and go to work. that's what people DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sometimes it helps.
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#daily word [Dec. 19th, 2014|11:10 am]
[mood |tv animal planet]

somehow pārliecināts, ka mamilu suga ir sastopama arī latvijā.
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#daily video [Dec. 19th, 2014|11:59 am]
[mood |mūžizglītība]

am i dead yet
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#daily link [Dec. 19th, 2014|02:51 pm]
[music |that's why it's red]

christmas is made in china
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