- June 29th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 29th, 2014

#ārzemēs viss ir labāk [Jun. 29th, 2014|09:02 pm]
pazemis ir totāls meh, toties kafija gan tur ir nuclear, tagad negulēšu dienas divas trīs. in other news, man šodien pateica, ka es izskatoties pēc ķīnieša.
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#trending [Jun. 29th, 2014|09:41 pm]
raksts par to, ka, ē, nu drausmīgi un skumji, bet hipsteru ēra esot galā. so that you know - tagad the next best thing esot normcore: normcore moves away from a coolness that relies on difference to a post-authenticity that opts into sameness. whatever that means.
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